Week 1.
I’ve had a really good week of training this week! I’m finally feeling like I’m over any lingering sickness from last month and felt good going into the week! I made it to all my scheduled training and gym sessions this week and they all went well.
Cody has started going to the gym again which is awesome, because we can train together. I’ve been doing my Tuesday lower body gym sessions with my mom for the past few weeks, but it’s nice to have another person to be able to go to the gym with and it makes it a lot easier to find my motivation and dedication when there’s someone else to encourage me.
The one tricky aspect of this week was that I realized that Pole Art is rapidly approaching. I decided to create a new routine instead of using an old one, which means I need to choreograph a routine from scratch within enough time to practice and perfect it. I may have slightly underestimated how much of a challenge this would be given my already packed training schedule. Luckily, Kat has agreed to help me with the choreography and I’ve decided to work on the routine at least a little bit each time I train. I will also be incorporating a lot of my combos from my worlds routine into this routine so that I can double up on training and conditioning.
We also had our Jungle Pole Jam fundraising event this week! It went really well and I am so grateful for everyone's support in helping me get to Canada!
Week 2.
I’ve been a bit frustrated with myself in my training lately. I have very high expectations of myself and expect myself to be constantly improving and making progress quickly.
Lately, in the gym I’ve been feeling very stuck, I haven’t increased the weights I’m lifting in a while, especially in my lower body sessions, and in some things I’ve even had to decrease weights. This has been super frustrating for me and has demotivated me when it comes to going to the gym. I also feel like I’m not progressing as quickly as I’d like to in pole. My Pole Art routine is taking a lot longer to choreograph than I was expecting, and it’s cutting into my Worlds training time more than I would like.
I’ve had to remind myself that even the smallest bit of progress still adds up in the end. And even if it feels like I’m not making progress at the moment, when I step back and look at the bigger picture I can see how far I’ve come.
Week 3.
This week went quite a lot better than last week thankfully. I’m so glad that I have decided to blog about my training because writing about my frustration last week helped me work through it and reframe my thinking so that I could go into this week with a more positive mindset.
I’ve found that although my training is very physically demanding it’s very mentally draining as well. I’ve found that going into a training session with a positive mindset can make all the difference. Of course, no one can stay positive all the time, and I will still have my down moments. The important thing for me is to acknowledge my feelings so I can move through it then and into a more positive space.
It terms of my actual training there’s been some good progress this week. I had another training session with Julie this week and I feel like we’re making really good progress! My Pole Art routine is getting there slowly but surely, and I'm feeling good with where I'm at. Every time I have a good training session it motivates me and makes me want to continue to push myself and get better and better.
Our second Pole Jam of the moth was this week. We had a Superheros and Villains theme and everyone had amazing costumes! We were also very lucky to have Christo come and set up a photo-booth for us, so we got some really incredible photos!
Week 4.
Another week filled with ups and downs. I’m feeling like I lack consistency in my performance from one training session to another. One day I’ll feel full of energy and super motivated and achieve almost everything I want to and the next I feel like I can’t do anything. I know it’s only natural to have good days and bad days, but it’s still frustrating.
Despite the ups and downs, I’ve made good progress this week. I was panicking about my Pole Art routine at the beginning of the week because I felt like I wasn’t ready and wasn’t going to be able to pull off the choreography, but I had a great run-through on Friday that boosted my confidence. I also saw my biokinetisist and she’s given me some very helpful feedback. My worlds routine is getting better each time I run it. On Friday Julie and I broke the routine down into four sections and I’m going to focus on perfecting each section in August before combining them in September.
I’ve decided to take next week off training and running my Worlds routine so that I can focus on my Pole Art routine. I’m also taking the week off gym so that I have extra recovery time between training sessions and will hopefully have more energy. Its the final push for Pole Art and then once that's done my focus will be completely on Worlds!